by Avv. Giovanni Mameli, Ph.D | Jul 19, 2020 | Ne Bis In Idem
E’ uscito in questi giorni un importante articolo nella rivista CONCURRENCES dal titolo «UNTANGLING THE INEXTRICABLE: THE NOTION OF “SAME OFFENCE” IN EU COMPETITION LAW», di Pierpaolo Rossi e Valentina Sansonetti, nel quale si fa il punto sulla dibattuta nozione...
by Avv. Giovanni Mameli, Ph.D | Jan 8, 2015 | Aid that can be declared "compatible" - art. 107, para 3 TFUE, Economic Crisis Aid, Regional Aid, State Aid Modernization
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation under EU State aid rules into Polish plans to grant aid towards a project by the Fiat group to produce a new generation of petrol engines in the Silesia region. At this stage, the Commission has doubts the aid...